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The Rewards of Giving Back

Community service can show kids and teens that giving their time, effort and kindness is more rewarding than receiving lots of presents.

Effects of Secondhand Smoke

Firsthand smoke comes from the toxins of cigarettes being inhaled directly. Secondhand smoke is breathed indirectly.

Teens and Driving Safety

Even if you have a very responsible teen, the fact that they don’t have experience driving makes them a bigger risk. Driving is dangerous for all teens, and parents can require them to prove they are ready.

Signs & Symptoms of Mononucleosis

Mononucleosis (called mono for short) is an illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a common virus most children get exposed to at some time.

The Role of Teens in their Health Care Decisions

Many teens are able to manage much of their own health care, from giving themselves injections to taking medications. They can speak to their physician and research on their own.

Screen Time Insomnia

Setting screentime guidelines can help parents avoid battles with their kids. “Up to two hours a day is reasonable,” says Dr. Galion. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of two have limited screen time.


One of the best ways to protect your children from bullying is to talk to them with open-ended questions and help them come up with an appropriate response, says pediatric psychologist Dr. Heather C. Huszti in this health feature.

Identifying Sudden Cardiac Issues in Young Athletes

Young athletes that suffer sudden cardiac arrest usually have an inherited condition that tends to run in families. Learn what to look for in this health feature.

Teen Cancer Patient: Treatment & Support At CHOC

Teen and young adult cancer patients face unique challenges when dealing with cancer. Learn about treatment approaches and support resources for teenagers at CHOC

Kids and Hormones

Every little boy and girl grows up and goes through the stage of life called puberty. Hormones are responsible for many of the changes that they go through.

Fighting the Flu

When late fall rolls around, the flu usually rolls in with it. A cough, a high fever and sore throat are early signs of influenza.

Teens and Caffeine

Caffeine, which has been purported to increase energy and also acts as a mild stimulant, can be found in many foods and drinks, including coffee.

Kids and Common Sports Injuries

One of the most common sports injuries in children is from chronic repetitive stress. It is usually at the elbow, the wrist, the ankle, the knee or the foot.

Teens and Drugs

Prescription and over-the-counter drug abuse by teens is the fastest-growing drug problem in the U.S. One of the most commonly abused drugs is oxycodone.

Kids and Concussions: Learn How to Play it Safe

The word concussion comes from the Latin word to shake violently. A lot of times, people may hit their head and don’t realize it was a concussion.

Overscheduled Kids

Everyone needs some down time, even children. Unfortunately the idea of free time can be a foreign one. Learn how to find balance in your child's schedule.

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