Developmental Services

About 17 percent of children have a developmental delay. Although your doctor is an expert at spotting a social or emotional delay, you are the one who spends the most time with your child. Knowing when to expect social and emotional milestones, and alerting your pediatrician if you suspect a delay, is the best way to prevent future problems and help your child reach his or her full potential.

Your child’s pediatrician will perform regular evaluations to make sure your child is meeting his or her developmental milestones. It is important to talk to the doctor if you have concerns. Developmental delays can be sign of a serious neurological issue, so your doctor may refer your child to a neurologist for additional testing and evaluation.

CHOC specialists in psychology and neurology partner closely with the following community organizations to coordinate care for children with developmental delays.

Regional Center of Orange County

Regional Center of Orange County (RCOC) is a private, nonprofit organization that coordinates services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Learn more about Regional Center of Orange County.

Help Me Grow

Through a partnership between CHOC and the University of California, Irvine, the Help Me Grow program connects families with additional developmental resources for children up to age five. Care coordinators work one-on-one with families to find appropriate community services, including screenings, in-home training and parenting classes and support groups. Learn more about Help Me Grow.

Child Behavior Pathways

Child Behavior Pathways, formerly known as CUIDAR, provides quality services to Orange County families and providers and promotes the social, emotional and cognitive development of children ages 0-5. The program helps children succeed in their home and school environments by placing an emphasis on parent/teacher education, prevention and early intervention and cultural needs throughout the community. Learn more about Child Behavior Pathways.

Additional CHOC Services

The Rehabilitation Services Department at CHOC provides physical therapy for children of all ages, from birth through age 21. We teach each patient’s family how to help their child achieve their developmental milestones. Learn more about our physical therapy services for children with developmental delays.
Early intervention can often make a dramatic difference in the quality of life for your child as he or she grows. At our High-Risk Infant Follow-Up Clinic, our multidisciplinary team will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your child and coordinate any services they may need up or until the age of 3. Appointments are strategically timed for critical milestones and tailored to meet the unique needs of your child. Learn more about having an evaluation at our High-Risk Infant Follow-Up Clinic.
Our team of psychologists attends to the emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of children through therapy, inpatient services and psychological evaluations. Our goal is to foster the well-being of the whole child and family by addressing their unique needs. Learn more about our mental health services.