NeoHeart: Cardiovascular Management of the Neonate

Many controversies exist in the cardiovascular management of neonates. This grand rounds video presented by Dr. John Cleary and Dr. Amir Ashrafi strives to fill the knowledge gaps by emphasizing the importance of multi-disciplinary interaction, state-of-the-art technology, and the most current research. The video also includes neonatology history and the latest patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) therapy.

Given that most cardiac surgical repairs occur in the neonatal period, it is imperative that the NICU and CVICU teams learn from each other to provide the best care possible. This grand rounds video will be of interest to physicians, physician’s assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, fellows, residents and other allied health professionals who specialize in neonatology, pediatric cardiology, pediatric intensive care and cardiothoracic surgery.